Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Pain of Change- Lets check in

A few years back I released a number of short videos each Wednesday morning: The Wellbeing Wednesday series. I started these off at the time with the short story about me in my teens. Throughout my teens, I was fairly active and very much into my Judo, I got injured a few times, dislocated shoulders etc, but I got over it. Although I would eat healthy home cooked meals, I would quite often snack on the junk food; I would have the fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps etc and very rarely drink water. If I got a headache or quite often a full migraine (which I would get lots of) etc, that was ‘’fine’’, I would just take another pain killer and get on with it.

My sleep wasn’t great, and for many reasons I wasn’t entirely happy. But in this way, I muddled on, I don’t want to bore you with all the details here, but it wasn’t until I was about 25 that I really started to rethink things about my health. Just before this I made the change from banking to retail and had begun a short-lived career in a popular clothes shop. Up until this point I had been working surrounded by people who to be honest were quite unfriendly towards each other. They were gossipy about each other and rude and would often say hurtful things about other people, so not at all supportive.  I’m sure you have all had experience of how these environments can affect your mood or emotions. Needless to say, alongside migraines, I was feeling an incredible amount of emotional stress. It wasn’t long before I began to realise that something needed change and quickly.

I wasn’t on social media at the time as it wasn’t as big then, and not really having a clue where to begin, I started by reading back through old college notes and assignments from my Health and Social Care course. I began to read more books, and write journals. Although I began to feel better, I still dreaded going into work and still had migraines though. After a couple of months, I felt compelled to attend a craft fair, I have absolutely no idea why, I’m not in the least bit talented or interested in that area. I’m not a craft person, but whilst browsing, I met a group of people from a private health clinic and began we talking. Things started to make more sense to me and a few days later I embarked on a different journey, this time towards health. I entered a completely different career and began working in private vitalistic healthcare. I changed my lifestyle, began to learn new ways to be healthy and grow and even began to look at how I could help others with their health. I began to feel happier still, healthy and experience less and less symptoms. I was no longer surrounded by negativity and people gossiping and putting each other down. I had found people who wanted to help, wanted others to succeed. I had found my health, my life and my tribe. It wasn’t completely plain sailing, don’t get me wrong on that, I had to make a lot of changes, cut a lot out of my life that was not helping me grow. I had to push out of a few comfort zones and feel the pain of change.

One book I read years ago was Who Moved My Cheese. This is a great book for anyone going through change of any description. Its not too intense and until recently I still had this book and would read it often when approaching change. We would often give it to our team members to read as well.

Even back then we were in a world where we were surrounded by short cuts; microwave meals, junk food, diet pills, TV and the beginnings of social media. We don’t have to make our own entertainment. It is now all there for us on demand. This is like anything good and bad, but it’s the on-demand part that is concerning. Health isn’t can’t be on demand, you can’t quick fix it, you can’t take the magic pill and it all go away, it is an ongoing process. I know now that if I don’t keep in check with my habits, I begin to slowly slip back, I start getting headaches and migraines again, my stress levels go up and I soon become ill.

I realised after a while that to be healthy requires a lot of effort, you need to reduce the bad habits and focus on those which are going to improve and maintain your health. You need to feel the pain of change that will take you from that state of survive to thrive.

Back to the present: We have had 7 weeks of lock down, and if like me you have also had the added rollercoaster that is home schooling your children alongside other commitments. I started my first blog with an introduction to the 7 Habits of Health and a scorecard. What if you were to take time out now and look back on this, to check in on your progress. Where do you still need to work on? Do you need help with any of them? It can be painful. It can be challenging, but although we are social distancing we can still help in many ways.

What one thing can you do today to grow and nurture your body, and then again tomorrow and the day after...?

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